Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Gift of Life

I just received the organ donor card today,will bring it everywhere from today onwards:) I hereby announce Yeow Pay Chin to speak for me when i pass away in the case of accident and it is my own will and consentment that my kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, eyes, bones, skin to be removed for the purpose of transplantation.

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

There is something about you

Don't know what you do to me but
Everytime I'm with you it's a natural high
It's like re-discovering Eden
with chocolate -coated rainbows and cotton candy skies
And everytime you look my way
I wish I had the guts to say
Something about you

There's something in your eyes
Something in your smile
Something in the way you move me
You make me want to sing
Make me want to dance
Make me want to cry
I'm falling in love with you.

I think I'll hire Cupid
He'll make you see I'm more than your friend
You'll be tossing and turning
Counting the hours till you see me again
And when we meet you'll
Kiss my hand and say the words I've longed to hear

There's something in your eyes
Something in your smile
Something in the way you move me
You make me want to sing
Make me want to dance
Make me want to cry
I'm falling in love with you
You make me want to sing,
make me want to dance,
make me want to cry
I'm falling in love with you.


i wish i can sing this song to you. i am gazing upon the sky

and the poem written by William Shakespear-sonnet16 floating in my mind.

"love is a ever-fixed mark....it doesnt alter when the alteration finds or bends with the remover to remove". True love is indeed hard to find, I am not even sure you sense me there....but the feeling that im going to meet you keep me contented and help me pass the endless longing days...


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Saturday, October 6, 2007







我是在极度清醒地状态下签署这一份器官捐赠表格的。没有任何的人怂恿, 乃是我个人很渴望的一种方式。
我想你们让我在出世时就是基督徒, 我想主会乐纳这件事。
然而,我若有一天不幸的离开, 我是希望某一部分的我;会给需要的人, 去延续他们的生命, 活出生命,为世界带来更多和平。
我亲爱的爸爸和妈妈, 我深爱你。

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

a letter about my maturity?

thanks for saying me mature! very happy( ya, tat sound immature):P



昨晚电话聊天时,我嘴里嘲笑你不成熟,其实那只是开玩笑的 :)  ,你知道吗,其实你有自己很成熟的一面。


这可都是真心的话哦。:)  不是说来逗你开心的。

今天过得好吗?我大多时间都在陪家人,还有陪小狗玩,觉得在家的时光很幸福。^ ^



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Thursday, September 20, 2007

letter title:谢谢你的细心:)

Received your letter today, abit suprise you will write a letter to me. En,  thanks for accompanyin me and hangin out with u is a real pleasure:)




没什么,只想跟你说今天真的感受到了你很细心的一面. :) 谢谢你在看戏看到一半的时候跑出去买hot  chocolate给我喝,喝了真的舒服多了.

还有,你跑了那么多地方买了那么多种面包,为了make  sure当中有我爱吃的东西,我觉得很窝心.


* YI: "yape.....i had a crazy crush on Aquarius  before-"*



我去改卷子啦.  :) 晚安.
from: XX

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