Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The combination of black & white lies...

Deadly air i inhaled.

listening unknown singer sang the song"fallen angel".

The evil heart was racing and it was unstoppable,

Tempting, to kill whoever approached me.

At this moment,god's watchful hand had failed.

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Monday, May 30, 2005

When Virtual become reality....

my red converse~

REd shoe, the mark of recognition between two totally stranger.

Dazzling smile, the beginning of friendship.

Your kindness, the eraser of my uncomfortableness.

All rounded personalities, was the answer for ZW 4 years tarry.

Grateful, was meeting you.

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Thursday, May 19, 2005

KX, my little angel, i love you very very ..much

this is not my niece, this picture just too cute~

my little angel, my little angel

there seem no exhaustion in calling you so.

every night i wrapped you around my chest,  put you to sleep quitely.

Humming you some song that has ancient old,

every beat of your pounding heart, over-crossed, yielding the most lovely rythm on earth.

you may not know,the meaning and existence of you,

the closeness that i have long lost,and the cuddle bring all those back.

whisper once more; the secret of my heart

my little angel,i wish you know,i love you, i love you so!

* kx is my little niece, she is few months old now.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

So Near you .....

Life could not be better when im so near you!

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Friday, January 21, 2005


给你写了无数的信﹐在那蓝线白色纸张上承载属我的思念﹐那些信﹐没有逃过时间的魔咒﹐泛黄。生命的无常﹐让我的心灵明白﹐曾经使我心如置天堂的你﹐也会随时离去的。这些年﹐不断的遇见想与我在一起的人或我想与他一起(极少)﹐可是他们的手﹐于我﹐太多太多是掠夺者﹐他们的手﹐张牙舞爪﹐令我觉得窒息﹐想逃。没有比较的心态是自欺欺人﹐可是﹐我真的寻求的,是像孙燕姿那一首"someone"-someone who give like a saint,feast like an angel...不能说这与你的好无关﹐可是更深的思考是﹐这只是我自己对灵魂伴侣的最深处的期求。is not really just because of you...


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Thursday, January 20, 2005

恋爱In Love

  1. "多难的是, 是这愿意伴你一生的人。"~Yi Er
  2. "How blessed I am that I can walk beside you, lean upon you, and live within the warmth of your love." -Roy Lessin
  3. "All you need is already within you, only you must approach your self with reverence and love. Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors. Your constant flight from pain and search for pleasure is a sign of love you bear for your self, all I plead with you is this: make love of your self perfect. Deny yourself nothing -- glue your self infinity and eternity and discover that you do not need them; you are beyond". Nisargadatta Maharaj
  4. "I love you. It's not a weight you must carry around. I love you. It's not a box that holds you in. I love you. It's not a standard you have to bear. I love you. It's not a sacrifice I make. I love you. It's not a pedestal you are frozen upon. I love you. It's not an expectation of perfection. I love you. It's not my life's whole purpose (or your's). I love you. It's not to make you change. I love you. It's not even to make you love me. I love you. It's as pure and simple as that. " - Anonymous
  5. "A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love." Mother Teresa
  6. "The first duty of love - is to listen." Paul Tillich
  7. "It's not that I can't live without you...it's just that I don't even want to try."
  8. "Romance is the fuel that keeps love burning hot." Rusty Silvey
  9. "When people try to depict what LOVE is, it comes alive from the first moment I laid my eyes on you. - Yi Er

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失恋Lost Love

  1. 他走了,那就算了,从此也别再多想了。亲爱的, 请你记得,会离开你的人,就是要你学会放下的人。~朵朵小语-读原文
  2. And I shall find some girl perhaps, and a better one than you, With eyes as wise, but kindlier, and lips as soft, but true, and I daresay she will do.~Rupert Brooke 
  3. 他终究不是命定的那个人。幸好他不是。~张小娴

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关于同志About Lesbian

==| Resource |==
  • 拉子三缺一-女同志廣播節目 http://www.taiwanqueer.com 
    * I learnt alot from this radio program& it has accompany me for sometime.

==| Forum |==

==| Partner /Friendship Search Network |==

==| Recommended Lesbian Blog |==

==| My Lesbian Friends |==

==| Lesbian Movies |==

==| Lesbian Series |==

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关于翼儿About YiEr

Talking about myself, I would say I am well rounded person--> a Jujitsu Master,famous portrait photographer, done travel around the world, speak classy French,surrounded by tons of lesbian friends and Many More!

Of course, statement above are not true. I was just jokking.;)

Ok, I am a down to earth lesbian, this blog exist is mainly because I like to record the journey of my life which is being a lesbian & moreover- being myself. Speaking of being myself, I would like to be a happy one. I remember one of my lesbian friend told me, lesbian life is too hard and too much suffering....

Let's see, erm,I think lesbian life is indeed hard and also have some torturing    moments... however,one of my favourite helen keller quote can totally save the situation--> "Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."

So far,my life is fine. Looking back my lesbian life( which started since secondary school), happy moment is more than sorrow. I am really grateful.

I am a saggitarius, but some parts of me are capricorn. Having a family with my Love one( definitely female) is my living purpose for this life. My favourite quote :"I am my beloved, my beloved is me."

It's my pleasure to write here and if you ever come accross my blog, I wish more of you out there share your story, give us strength, motivate each other and what can I say- let's enjoy our lesbian life!

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. "
Helen Keller

Area of interests:
1) Better My Relationship with Her (S.E)- Anything related to it
2) Miscellaneous Rambling of a Lesbian (ME!).
3) Finance management
4) Anything about Fun~
and more..which I don't know yet.

Personal Details:

Age: 27
Status: Attached
My believe: "坚持做拉子。坚持自己所爱的是女生-femme type. 坚持终生的伴侣是女生。坚持快乐.坚持爱人及被爱 :)" ~翼儿

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