Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Few Days at Starbuck,Sigh

I have been in starbuck near PJ section 14 for a few days to work on my project , Gosh....I really need to work through it! Few days more .....

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Monday, February 23, 2009

What Is Girl Language?The Hardest Language!?

I always think Girl language is the most interesting language in the world, perhaps it is also the most challenging one.

*mainly because it has no fix rules to follow and because I “kena/中招”so many times, so I think this is really important to learn ;p

I am always learning it and Love so much of learning about it~Below the article, I found it somewhere,* I cant really remember where…Post this here.So, Let’s learn together.


if i dont call you
[ Its because im waiting for you to
call me ]

When i walk away from you mad
[ Follow me ]

When i stare at your mouth
[ Kiss me ]

When i push you or hit you
[ Grab me and dont let go ]

When i start cussing at you
[ Kiss me and tell me you love me ]

When im quiet
[ Ask me whats wrong ]

When i ignore you
[ Give me your attention ]

When i pull away
[ Pull me back ]

When you see me at my worst
[ Tell me im beautiful ]

When you see me start crying
[ Hold me and tell me everything will
be alright ]

When you see me walking
[ Sneak up and hug my waist from
behind ]

When im scared
[ Protect me ]

When i lay my head on your shoulder
[ Tilt my head up and kiss me ]

When i tease you
[ Tease me back and make me laugh ]

When i dont answer for a long time
[ reassure me that everything is okay ]

When i look at you with doubt
[ Back yourself up ]

When i say that i like you
[ I really do more than you could
understand ]

When i grab at your hands
[ Hold mine and play with my fingers ]

When i bump into you
[ bump into me back and make me laugh ]

When i tell you a secret
[ keep it safe and untold ]

When i look at you in your eyes
[ dont look away until i do ]

When i miss you
[ im hurting inside ]

When you break my heart
[ the pain never really goes away ]

When i say its over
[ i still want you to be mine

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Where To Get Lesbian Book?

Kinokuniya Bookstore

Address: Lot 406-408 & 429 & 430 Level 4, Suria KLCC Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 3-2164-8133


As Kaye mentioned about lesbian book, so I decided to share this information here about where to get lesbian book. As you may search high and low for it....

Very good place for lesbian book is Kinokuniya Bookstore. If you can't find it, don't be shy just ask the info desk, they are very helpful in this.

I hardly read lesbian book nowadays, as I am quite busy with work and some other things. hehe. I used  to read a number of Taiwan lesbian books  -->details here

For myself I often pick those book with happy topics or happy ending. I just prefer happy relationship and like to learn how those people lived out their life.That way I can lead a happy lesbian life too.  I learnt one quote:爱她就是要让她开心. hehe.

For those books that came with sad ending, I read some before, I guess maybe as I grow older I can cope better,so if any books come by chance, I will pick it up too.

It's all about life, we need to learn the good and bad, right? and... Live out the good:)

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happpppy Valentines Day~情人节快乐~

Happy Valentines Day to All~ Today is a special day for you to be with your dear girlfriend~

我在这special day 会做些什么?做爱做得事:P待我得空的时候,才update 大家吧:P

zi wei?安同学?Kaye?双儿?你们呢?:P

如果你想要分享你们的love story,还是在这里 对你的爱人做爱的宣言.feel free to do so;)

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Encouranging Email From Lesbian NetFriend

From time to time I will receive some encouranging emails from some lesbian netfriends or friends. I am really thankful for their kindness. Below is email from Kaye and her words have given me alot of energy to move on especially when I struggle with my family and with my life.

My family- why you dont have a boyfriend? only see girls  with you?

My Life -  alot of issues with my friends relationship and money issues * well, I am looking forward to study at US in 2 years time, travel to Paris to check out my beloved Leonardo Da Vinci drawing- Mona Lisa & hoping to go for a retreat this year and many more...

Kaye, I would love to show my appreciation through this post, Thank you very much:)


The following was the exact email content from Kaye:

This big step(come out) might make going in life more tough. But people will gain courage & confidence by every experince they gone through it. When it gets you by the heart, ... sometimes just need to hv sense of humor about these things. Know u have it & will make it through.

all the best,


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Saturday, February 7, 2009

We Are Looking At Same Side Of The Moon

Corrinne May - Same Side Of The Moon 

'm looking out the window
Where we sat to watch the stars
There's a chill within the air
It makes my heart long for your touch
You may be miles away
But as I kneel to pray

I see the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on when the world turns blue
And know that time and space can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see all the tears shine through
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon

I picture you across the ocean
In your corner of the world
I pray the wind will blow my voice
And gently whisper in your ear
Your night may be my day
And though the seasons change

It's still the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on when the world turns blue
And know that time and space can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see all the tears shine through
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon

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