I always think Girl language is the most interesting language in the world, perhaps it is also the most challenging one.
*mainly because it has no fix rules to follow and because I “kena/中招”so many times, so I think this is really important to learn ;p
I am always learning it and Love so much of learning about it~Below the article, I found it somewhere,* I cant really remember where…Post this here.So, Let’s learn together.
if i dont call you
[ Its because im waiting for you to
call me ]
When i walk away from you mad
[ Follow me ]
When i stare at your mouth
[ Kiss me ]
When i push you or hit you
[ Grab me and dont let go ]
When i start cussing at you
[ Kiss me and tell me you love me ]
When im quiet
[ Ask me whats wrong ]
When i ignore you
[ Give me your attention ]
When i pull away
[ Pull me back ]
When you see me at my worst
[ Tell me im beautiful ]
When you see me start crying
[ Hold me and tell me everything will
be alright ]
When you see me walking
[ Sneak up and hug my waist from
behind ]
When im scared
[ Protect me ]
When i lay my head on your shoulder
[ Tilt my head up and kiss me ]
When i tease you
[ Tease me back and make me laugh ]
When i dont answer for a long time
[ reassure me that everything is okay ]
When i look at you with doubt
[ Back yourself up ]
When i say that i like you
[ I really do more than you could
understand ]
When i grab at your hands
[ Hold mine and play with my fingers ]
When i bump into you
[ bump into me back and make me laugh ]
When i tell you a secret
[ keep it safe and untold ]
When i look at you in your eyes
[ dont look away until i do ]
When i miss you
[ im hurting inside ]
When you break my heart
[ the pain never really goes away ]
When i say its over
[ i still want you to be mine
Sharing this fun!
*以下留言转载自我的旧部落格- yier20.wordpress.com
*The following comments are transfered from my old blog- yier20.wordpress.com
ziwei // February 25, 2009
ei…girl language…erm…so scare about that hahaha
yier20 // March 17, 2009
zi wei,
I wonder you are really scare or fake scare, coz you seem quite “pro” in tackling gals:P
Denis // February 25, 2009
“When I stare at your mouth kiss me”…that one is def. true…you know what?…I actually think that the best way to tell when a guy likes a girl to see if he is looking at her mouth when talking to her. I don’t know if it works the same way with girls.
yier20 // March 17, 2009
I will look at her eyes /her smile for a long while and then only slowly touch her lips. I am not sure about other girls though, hardly discuss about this coz seem like many are quite conservative….Anyone want to share about how to tell that a girl likes you?
ziwei // March 18, 2009
hallo….haha..now quite scare…coz just realize recently quite alots of Les…seems like not put heart in their RS…so quite scare their words….
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