Picture this, a little girl was walking in a jungle. As she walked, she missed a step and accidently drop into a hole and have access to another world...
To her or many others, this world was unusual. Very different from the standard world.
Oh... this little known world is called the L world.
This little girl grew up as time flies...Yape! I just passed my 27 years old birthday(December).
I am a girl ( perhaps I should be addressed as a lady now?)
and having a love relationship with another beautiful lady -S.E.
Few realizations after some years in the L world and I'll like to record it down what I have seen and experienced.
Realization #1 - Love is meant to be an Attraction
Just like a magnet attract another magnet(naturally). To do this, it's to simply increase your own magnetic power. Sadly, not many people realize this.
Instead, many people follow the mundane way, which is, trying so damn hard to please the other party. Sometimes, even losing your own pride.....
Realization #2 - Being Independent is really Important
Being with a girl is fun, however, there is very less guarantee. Well, a dream of fun and security in a girl to girl relationship is still a myth.
Learn to be independent seem to break the myth.
It allow us to have fun and guarded security(in our own hand). Therefore, see yourself saying alot of hello and welcome to many financial and self-development courses (especially techniques for emotion & hot temper).
Realization #3 - Positive attitude yields positive result. Negativity yield Negativities.
It's like if you throw an apple seed and expect to grow durian... so if you want durian, make sure
you throw a durian seed and take care of it until it grow into a durian tree.
If you want happiness, don't you think you need to first throw the happy seeds? *If you don't get the answer, I can't really help you...
I guess we are all poisoned by those drama series about girl would forgive everything her lover ever done (even being drunk and beat her up, well you know what I mean...), and thinking that is REAL love?!
Well, it is just plain drama. So, stop dreaming.
Alright. So that's my story, does it sound like "Alice the Wonder land"?
Ahem, ahem...well, I just turn 27, I have every right to be naughty again ;p
Any thoughts about the L world? Straight or Lesbian, feel free to put your thoughts & experience down at the comment box. =)
happy birthday...
u r juz 27, i tot u r adi 30++
Choi~~~~~Choi~~~Choi~~ I'm only 3 years older than you lor!
What makes you think I'm 30++ years old? Your eyes got problem? :P
2 years older oli lah... i'm 25 tis year...
my eyes got no prob, cuz i never saw ur pic pun~!
Yean, that means your eyes work perfectly fine! *You will miss alot if your eyes got problem. E.g look at beautiful girls and etc. ;P
Then why you think I'm 30++?
feeling lah...
actually, i was wondering how u look like lah...
I look normal, won't scare you off, so don't worry. ;P
wakakkaka... how normal? show me picture~ wakakaka
haha, I'm very shy, if we happen to have chance to meet in KL, then you will know how I look lor :P
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