Today, you'll pass through an "ultra-switching door"(任意门) and you will get to see her journey back in the real L world.
"You are now in the L world. "
A world sprawling with different type of girls, amazingly different female fashion styles, wacky erotic objects and more - that are totally beyond your imagination.
This is a fascinating world with huge populations divided by many different tribes.
Two main tribes in the L world are- the "Shane/Alice" tribe and "Jenny" tribe.
Now, stop there and think for a second...Does these tribes sound familiar?
You may be surprise they may live around your life or perhaps you've
heard of them.
"Jenny" Tribe
Remember the character- Jenny in the L word drama series? Jenny is the type of girl that is very loyal to her friends(Shane in particular), creative but live in her own world and emotionally fragile...
She's very bad in handling relationship...Deep-seated fear that she just one of those who doesn't deserve to be happy.
In real life, this tribe tend to be more complicated than what are described above....
"Can you chat with me?", "Do you have msn, shall we talk there?"
She is desperate for love. Possibly due to her depressed or discontented background.
Usually, she is very brave, sometimes, too brave..Always work hard in the things or girls that interest her...But very prone to screw things up in the end...
A very sad tribe isn't it? In fact, I used to be a member of this tribe...There were times, I just never think I ever deserve to be happy (in relationship) and my emotion is so easily affected by others.
Now I'm glad I've changed and the reasons? You'll find out later.
What are your thoughts for Jenny tribe? I'll like to read it at the comment box. ;)
Upcoming, in the next post, meet the "Shane & Alice" tribe - sleep around with any girl she can possibly reach and constantly changing girlfriend ...