As I am thinking this is a nice topic to discuss about, so I ask ZW to write about it. Zw recently sent me her version of The Law Of Attracting A Girl. Well, as she is kinda good with girls (yier:"* certain of girl type lar"), so I post it here for all to view and discuss.
Below is the exact email sent from zw to ma mailbox:
Base on my dear Joey request. So i come out this article and since i really free .
Attracting a girl tip 1:
不需要有一个很好看的样子。只要可以看,看了不会吐就好。 如果样子好看, 那就是锦上添花了。
重要的是, 会说话。
Attracting a girl tip 2:
和她玩心里测验。而且给与分析。在此要奉劝各位先去读一些心理学的书本。 免得分析错误自己丢脸。
通常星座的心理测验特别受欢迎:) 这是我的经验告诉我的。如果不准不可以打我哈哈。
Attracting a girl tip 3:
在他发生一些不愉快地事情给于适当的鼓励。听好是鼓励而不是那种甜言蜜语地说“下次有什么我会帮你 的。。。。“
Attracting a girl tip 4:
haha....hope this few tips will help you all:)
yi er: I have yet to have time to translate this, if anyone of you like to do abit of translation and benefit others, it's time to show off your language skill! haha, please feel free to do it at the comment section
Sharing this fun!
*以下留言转载自我的旧部落格- yier20.wordpress.com
*The following comments are transfered from my old blog- yier20.wordpress.com
yier20 // April 10, 2009
ei, Zw,
Then first how you approach a girl ah( totally stranger one)?
using the old style –> “you look familiar, or do we know each other ?”
* or you always meet them online? that will ease up abit for meeting girls . Considering Malaysia is a “seal up” country, I think pretty much all meetup online.
juz pop up here for awhile frm my bz schedule… =P
ziwei // April 11, 2009
haha as u noe luo Malaysia is “seal up” country and actually Singapore too. But then maybe…i am still not very sure for Singapore style for approach a girl from face to face coz my one is meet from online..somemore…i am attached too early no chance to do survey for you~~haha^_^|||
Totally stranger one..in my life i think only one or two…got one i remember was very coincidence tat day was raining then we share cab together go school then after that able to get her hp and email:) but she is straight haha.
Normally is from internet and much more easier a lots. But sometimes really depend fate:)
Btw, since my dear u so busy and i have no chance to chat wif u haha just share wif u something at here. Nowadays, think world is going change…i got one customer told my lady boss that he is interesting with those butch style girl and asked me whether i am or not.. he is interesting with me…so sick.. he is marriage.. so nowadays the world really change…^_^||| really feel a bit disgusting for this man…
jo teh // April 12, 2009
good tips..thanks!
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